Integral Wellness, LLC
Kary Bennett, MA, LCMHC, CN - licensed clinical mental health counselor & certified nutritionist
Please get in touch!
Get in touch with me via the form below and I'll get back
to you as soon as possible!
Your privacy and security is important to me. Please know that neither email nor text messaging is a secured means of communication. It’s best to keep our email and text contacts limited to scheduling. It may also be helpful to know that the confidentiality guaranteed in psychotherapy takes effect after we have decided to work together and make that commitment in writing, but not before. This email is not encrypted, therefore not secure. By using this contact form you are acknowledging that you accept the inherent risk of sending a message without encryption.
To protect your privacy, the most secure way to contact me is by phone at 802-343-4796.
Contact Information
Kary Bennett, MA, LCMHC, CN
To protect your privacy, do not use the internet to communicate personal data or confidential medical information.
645 S. Main St, Stowe, VT